May 08, 2012



                  Current trend we come across  in the day to day life is cloud computing .In cloud computing - Cloud refers to network in which all the computers are connected by the means of internet .In the cloud computing all the resources and files are shared among the systems and they are rendered to the user as a service.


·         In the cloud computing the software need not to be installed or downloaded from the internet sites. Instead the software can be used directly by choosing what u need. This saves the downloading time and the initialization time. This also saves your valuable memory space because it consumes less or no memory space for the software to be used. 
·         The pirated products can be avoided. Since the software company release their product in the cloud computing basis the piracy is avoid to a greater extend
·          Pay for what you use is one of the main objective of this technology .The user are charged only for what they use. So the user and the companies get a satisfaction.
·         This service are provided 24*7 so that it can be used anywhere and at any time.
·         For the security of each individuals they are provided with an user id and a password. So that their privacy can be secured.


              The real time application of the cloud computing can be seen in the form of YOUTUBE. In the YouTube the videos can be seen anywhere and at any time. For the user private security they are given a user id and a password. For seeing the videos the basic software is sufficient and this can be seen anywhere.
        The next one is the Facebook-they provide various services like live chats, online videos and various other application. This are now used widely by a variety of people of different agegroups. The feature of uploading and editing the photos are some of the excellent featured services that they offer.


There will be some unique system called the database system which loads all the services of that they offer. Some of the hacker try to crack this database for their personal convenience and if they do so then the other user will be in a state that they could not do any of the activities. So in order to sort out this problem  there is a backup system that is if the main system is hacked the backup can be used if that too is hacked then it’s the fate and some alternative ways are their but it takes the user cannot use that to their convenience at that  period of time.

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