May 06, 2012

remote acess of pc by hackers

Nowadays many of the hacker hack the system through remote access by sending rat and nbt

RAT(remote access trojan):

       Most of the remote access of the system is done by this rat. The trojan are  similar to the virus but the trojan don't self destruct like the virus.The trojan are downloaded from sites or emails .This   rat are saved as cookies in the system ,it seems that it does not affect the system but it has the capability to remotely access the system.Their are different types of trojans like netbus and subeven.Some  of the antivirus finds this  trojan but powerful trojan change the antivirus into virus.

NBT(net bios tcp/ip):

         This is a outdated type of remote access and the latest  os mostly don't support NBT. this is also similar to that of  FAT.

How to block the remote access?

  •    Upgrading the firewall will be better solution to this.The firewall control   the    overall  communication  between the systems.and the firewall decide to allow or block the program.
  • By avoiding the cookies.This can be done by avoiding downloads from untrusted sites.

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