May 06, 2012



Information Technology,
Mahendra College of Engineering,

                                                             Information Technology,
      Mahendra college of engineering,

ABSTRACT: Neural network is a massively parallel distributed processing system, made of highly interconnected neural computing elements that have the ability to learn and thereby acquire knowledge and make it available for use. Fuzzy logic uses fuzzy set theory, in which a variable is a member of one or more sets, with a specified degree of membership .Fuzzy logic is a controller that is varied in accordance with the input and output situation. In fuzzy logic controllers have been developed using speed and mechanical power deviations, and a neural network has been designed to tune the gains of the fuzzy logic controllers. The network automatically adjusts to a new environment without using any pre programmed instruction. Fuzzy logic gives the approximate output values. Fuzzy logic approach is an emerging tool for solving complex problems whose system behavior is complex in nature. An attractive feature of fuzzy logic control is its robustness to system parameters and operating conditions’ changes. So unlike the classical control design, which requires a model for designing the controller, fuzzy logic incorporates an alternative way which allows one to design a controller using a higher level of abstraction without knowing the model. This makes the fuzzy logic controller very attractive for ill-defined systems or systems with uncertain parameters .so let us see a detailed view of fuzzy logic neural network in satellite image processing.
Key words-Fuzzy logic, Artificial Neural Network, Image Processing
Uncertainty pervades our everyday life. Uncertainty arises because of complexity, ignorance and various chances of randomness. Imprecision, lack of knowledge or from vagueness like the fuzziness inherent in our natural language. The nature of uncertainty in a problem is a very important point that engineers should ponder prior to their selection of an appropriate method to express the uncertainty. Fuzzy sets provide a mathematical way to represent vagueness in humanistic systems. In the field of artificial intelligence, neuro-fuzzy refers to combinations of artificial neural networks   and fuzzy logic. Neuro-fuzzy hybridization results in a hybrid intelligent system that synergizes these two techniques by combining the human-like reasoning style of fuzzy systems with the learning and connectionist structure of neural networks. Neuro-fuzzy hybridization is widely termed as Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN). Neuro-fuzzy system  incorporates the human-like reasoning style of fuzzy systems through the use of fuzzy sets and a linguistic model consisting of a set of IF-THEN fuzzy rules. The main strength of neuro-fuzzy systems is that they are universal approximators with the ability to solicit interpretable IF-THEN rules. Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic in Satellite Image Classification. Image classification is the important part of remote sensing, Image analysis and pattern recognition. Digital Image Classification is the process of sorting all the pixels in an image into a finite number of individual classes. Landuse/Landcover classification of satellite images is an important activity for extracting geospatial information for military & civil purposes like inaccessible areas. It is difficult to classify satellites image manually.

. The images can be classified by probabilistic techniques, maximum likelihood classifier, parallelepiped etc. but these are very slow and accuracy is very less. It is not easy to obtain perfect data in real world since most data contains errors and omissions. To overcome this soft computing techniques which are based on uncertainty like fuzzy set theory, rough set theory and artificial neural network are used. The aim of soft computing is to model human perceptions of the world with inexact expression.

Remote sensing in the form of aerial photography has been an important source of land use and land cover information. Image classification is defined as the extraction of differentiated classes or themes, land use and land cover categories, from raw remotely sensed digital satellite data. In the past  simple pixel based classifiers originated which were designed for multi-spectral data. The relationship between spectral classes and different surface materials or land cover types may be known beforehand, or can be determined after classification by analysis of the spectral properties of each class. The spectral pattern of a cell in a multi-spectral image can be quantified by plotting the raster value from each band on a separate coordinate axis to locate a point in an imagined “spectral space”. This spectral space has one dimension for each band in the image. Most classification methods use some measure of the distance between points in this spectral space to assess the similarity of spectral patterns. Cells that are close together in spectral space have similar spectral properties and have a high likelihood of imaging the same surface features. The aim of soft computing is to exploit the tolerance for imprecision uncertainty, approximate reasoning and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness, low solution cost, and close resemblance with human like decision making and to find an approximate solution to an imprecisely/precisely formulated problem.
 2. Methods of Image Classification
Several image classification methods originate from the remote sensing domain. Various image classification methods are discussed.
2.1 Supervised Method
 In a supervised classification, the analyst identifies in the imagery homogeneous representative samples of the different surface cover types of interest. These samples are referred to as training areas. The selection of appropriate training areas is based on the analyst's familiarity with the geographical area and their knowledge of the actual surface cover types present in the image. The analyst is supervising the categorization of a set of specific classes. The computer uses a special program or algorithm to determine the numerical "signatures" for each training class. Once the computer has determined the signatures for each class, each pixel in the image is compared to these signatures and labelled as the class it most closely resembles digitally. Thus, in a supervised classification we are first identifying the information classes which are then used to determine the spectral classes which represent them. Hence, supervised classifiers require the user to decide which classes exist in the image, and then to define training areas of these classes. These training areas are then input into a classification program, which produces a classified image. Several supervised methods have concentrated on working with small sample sizes to minimize the manual tasks of domain scientists to obtain labeled samples.
2.2 Unsupervised Method
Another concept used for image classification is called unsupervised method. The numerical information in the spectral data classes are grouped first, and are then matched by the analyst to information classes.
Clustering algorithms are used to determine the natural groupings or structures in the data. The analyst specifies how many groups or clusters are to be looked for in the data, the parameters related to the separation distance among the clusters and the variation within each cluster. The iterative clustering process may result in some clusters to be combined, or some clusters may be further broken down by application of the clustering algorithm. Thus, unsupervised classification is not completely without human intervention. It does not start with a pre-determined set of classes as in a supervised classification. Unsupervised classification does not require training areas, just the number of classes you would like to end up with. This method lacks efficiency and scalability when larger or multiple images are needed for classification.
3. Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural network has been, used as a powerful tool for pattern classification. Neural-network classifiers are nonparametric and therefore may be more robust when distribution is strongly non-Gaussian. During training, the network is capable of forming arbitrary decision boundaries in the feature space. The distributed knowledge represented in the neural network and the knowledge got by training the priori samples of datum makes the neural network complicated. And also its nonlinear mapping ability to realize the land-cover hierarchical classification changes from coarse degree to subtle degree. Thus, ANN method generally can get more high accuracy of the outcome and have been widely used in land-cover/land-use classification.

However, it is difficult to train when the data exhibit nonsparse or overlapping pattern classes which is often the case in practical applications. Neural networks make no assumption about data distribution and hence have achieved improved image classification results compared to traditional methods. A neural network is generally perceived as being a 'black box'.
It is extremely difficult to document how specific classification decisions are reached. Through network training the knowledge of image classification can be derived and stored implicitly in numerical forms as synaptic weights in the network. But these weights have no obvious meaning in most cases which makes it difficult to interpret these weights due to their complex nature. As a result we cannot gain any understanding of the problem at hand due to the lack of an explanatory capability to provide insight into the characteristics of the dataset. For this reason it impossible to incorporate human expertise to simplify, accelerate or improve the performance of image classification, a neural network has to learn from scratch. An explanation capability should be an integral part of functionality of a trained neural network in order to make them applicable to complex remote sensing image classification.
The advantages of neural networks can thus be summarized as:
• Resistance to Noise,
• Tolerance to Distorted Patterns /Images
• Superior Ability to Recognize Overlapping Pattern
Classes or Classes with Highly Nonlinear Boundaries
or Partially Occluded or Degraded Images
• Potential for Parallel Processing
• Non parametric
4. Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic has been used in a wide range of problem domains. A fuzzy set is a set whose elements have degrees of membership. An element of fuzzy set can be full member or a partial membership value assigned to an element is no longer restricted to just two values, but can be 0, 1 or any value in between. Mathematical function which defines the degree of an element’s membership in a fuzzy set is called membership function. The major advantage of this theory is the ability to describe the problem naturally in linguistic terms rather than in terms of relationships between precise numerical values. Fuzzy systems, on the other hand, have the capability to represent classification decisions explicitly in the form of fuzzy 'if-then' rules. Fuzzy sets allow the assignment of partial and multiple valued memberships. Fuzzy systems make use of vague, imprecise or uncertain information to generate simpler more suitable models that are easier to handle and more familiar to human thinking. Human expert is the main source of fuzzy rules, thus it is possible to improve the performance of the system by adding new rules, removing defective rules or update existing rules in the knowledge base. However, the construction of a knowledge base, especially the fine-tuning of the fuzzy set parameters of the fuzzy rules in a fuzzy expert system, is a tedious and subjective process.                                                                                                                                      . The computer-assisted supervised classification requires sufficiently homogenous training data to perform the multi-spectral image classification. Fulfilling this requirement for the image with highly complex surface features is not feasible. Moreover, the traditional classification mapping with one-pixel-to-one-class algorithms normally fail to deal with the mixed the pixels that ordinary caused by the mixture of land cover classes. The complex land surface often causes the mixed pixels in the remote sensing image if the image pixel size is not fine enough to catch the spectral response from only a single land class. For example, a mixed pixel may contain the spectral responses from both grass and underlying soils. Fuzzy classification has been used to deal with mixed pixel problem that allows every pixel has a membership value between 0 and 1 for every candidate class. In the classification of remote sensing images, Bezdek et al developed a fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm to perform an unsupervised classification. Wang proposed a supervised mode for fuzzy classification. Mannan et al applied fuzzy neural networks to the classification of multi-spectral images. yet all found that the fuzzy membership values for each cover class strongly correlate with the actual ground proportions of those land cover classes. In complex fuzzy systems, manual determination and optimization of fuzzy membership parameters is impossible. It is desirable that knowledge automation be incorporated into existing fuzzy systems in order to make the benefits of fuzzy logic available to image classification.
5. Neuro-Fuzzy Approach
As standalone systems, neural networks and fuzzy logic exhibit unique features and fundamental limitations. However, it is found that both the two technologies are complimentary to each other from the functional point of view. So if the two technologies are combined, one can provide capabilities not available in other. The integrated system is called neuro-fuzzy system. A neuro-fuzzy system is a fuzzy system that uses learning algorithm inspired by neural network theory to determine its parameters based on sample data. A neuro-fuzzy system usually delivers more powerful solutions than its individual components. The learning algorithms of neural networks developed can be used to automate the derivation of fuzzy set parameters for the fuzzy 'if-then' rules in a fuzzy expert system. The rules are in symbolic form and thus facilitate the understanding of the neural network based image classification system. Also the image classification accuracy obtained from the improved neuro-fuzzy system was significantly superior to those of the back propagation based neural network and the maximum likelihood approaches.
6. Conclusions
Both neural networks and fuzzy logic systems have many advantages. But the ‘black box’ problem of neural networks and knowledge automation problem associated with fuzzy systems have hindered the widespread adoption of these two methods for classification of complex remotely sensed data. The improved neuro-fuzzy image classification system is based on the synergism between neural networks and fuzzy expert systems. It incorporates the best of both technologies and compensates for the shortcomings of each.

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